The strategic risk most often overlooked by Boards and Executives
I recently came across an article written by Deloitte Consulting entitled: ” Confronting assumptions to find risk and opportunity”. The slightly ponderous heading and somewhat academic style of writing however, did not manage to hide a number of excellent thoughts and ideas.
The attached document summarises those ideas and builds upon them to suggest a tool to reduce the likelihood of succumbing to that risk.
Strategic risk most often overlooked by Boards and Executives
Original article “confronting assumptions to find risk and opportunity”.
This is so applicable when companies expand outside of their home markets. They assume they can take their winning formula of product and distribution and simply replicate it in a new market. They don’t stop to ask what makes them successful in their home market and are those factors actually valid in a new market. Simply replicating an en existing business model in a new market is just not a strategy!