The 7 habits of highly effective decision makers
This page is dedicated to our series on the 7 habits of highly effective decision makers.
The overview discussed why it is critically important to optimise your decision making capability. It discusses why decisions go wrong and what may be the consequences of a good or bad decision. The slideshow then demonstrates what distinguishes great decision makers from the rest of the pack through sharing an overview of the seven habits of highly effective decision makers.
The first habit briefly looks at research showing where organisations sometimes get the basics wrong in decision making. It then goes on to discuss what highly effective decision makers do to steer clear of these pitfalls, by asking (and answering) 6 key questions. Finally it considers ways in which the reader may immediately apply some of these ideas to their own organisation.
The next in the series Habit 2: Actively Manage Knowledge considers what problems organisations often face when dealing with the information and knowledege aspects of strategic decisions. The slide show then reveals how effective decision makers face up to, and meet, these challenges. It ends with a check-list of questions you can use in your own organisation.
The latest Habit 3: Using Visualisation to Combat Complexity demonstrates how the power of visualisation helps combat (increasing levels of) complexity, clarifies communications and catalyses creativity.
To download any, or all of these slideshows, click on the appropriate link below (you will need to give your name and mail details separately for each download). Further below are the links to some of the tools that are mentioned in the slideshows.
Download: The 7 Habits of highly effective people: the overview[wp_eStore_free_download:product_id:1:end]
(If you would like to purchase a narrated version of the slideshow where each page comes with a more detailed commentary, or the written article, please visit our “Decision Shop” )
Download: The first habit: getting the basics right
Download: The second habit: actively manage knowledge
Download: The third habit: using visualisation
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If you prefer not to download, you may view all the slideshows at:
Links to tools and technologies mentioned in the slideshows
Parmenides Foundation: EIDOS – a fully comprehensive suite of tools that drives and captures the full decision process.
Consideo – good sytems thinking, brainstorming and modelling tool
Thoughtstream – a unique crowd-sourcing and long-distance facilitation tool
Laminin Solutions – experts in information and knowledge management