Data visualisation – demonstration of how well it can work.
In 2011, Channel 4 in the UK had a survey conducted asking 1000 Britons about their sexual preferences. The study output was put into a fascinating interactive chart allowing the viewer to graphically see the answers to all the questions, filter certain segments (for instance what proportion of iPhone users prefer which position) and even drill down to the answers of individuals (fortunately un-named).
The results are public domain knowledge but I understand that a few (probably very few) of my readers may find this a a little distasteful – and to them I apologise and recommend you do not click the link to the graphic. However, for two reasons I decided I would publish this:
1. Many people will be interested in the data visualisation tool and fascinated by how easy it is to drill down into the data and quickly see trends and patterns – and many will find the topic an entertaining way of educating themselves. The link to using such analytics as a way of informing one’s decisions should also be obvious.
2. I am shamelessly conducting a social media experiment to see if the topic attracts more people to our blog-site than our more classical blog topics around strategic decision making and decision support. I hope that those of you who are first time visitors to this site will also use the opportunity to view some of our other articles, links to free software and may even pay a visit to our decision shop.
Click below to see the interactive graphic.
Sexperience 1000