Research, articles, publications

A link to our blog

We occasionally publish information that we believe will be useful or interesting to our readers. The information may be supplied in various forms: our research, original articles, commentary on other writers articles, recommended reading, free software and useful tools.

We publish this on our blog – either go directly there from this link, or review some of our most popular articles listed below and click on the ones that interest you.

Examples of our work are:

The 7 habits of highly effective decision-makers
The first habit: getting the basics right
Value, values and ethical decision making
The impact of trust on strategic decision making
Taking strategic decisions in the face of “unknown unknowns”
Change or die: creating new habits
The strategic risk most often missed by Boards and Executives
Stress test your strategy
Intuition – more than trusting your gut.

The above is only a sample of our publications and you will find more by surfing around. If you have any specific questions about our work, please feel free to give us a call or drop us an email – details on our contact page.

Please note that we also have a number of items for sale at our digital shop including details of The Genesis Decision Framework Pack (with or without on-line coaching) and a narrated version of The 7 Habits of Effective Decision makers at our Decision Shop at our blog.