Habit 1 of highly effective decision makers: get the basics right

Habit 1: get the basics right
The first habit in the series of
“The 7 habits of highly effective decision makers”

Following the introductory slide show, we are pleased to present the next in the series of the 7 habits of highly effective decision makers – habit 1: get the basics right.

The document briefly looks at research showing where organisations sometimes get the basics wrong in decision making. It then goes on to discuss what highly effective decision makers do to steer clear of these pitfalls, by asking (and answering) 6 key questions. Finally the slide show considers ways in which the reader may immediately apply some of these ideas to their own organisation.

We hope you both enjoy, and find value, in the presentation. Click here to download the Habit 1 slideshow.

Habit 1 Get the basics right (the 7 habits of highly effective decision makers)

If you would prefer to view the document in slideshare, it has been published at
The first habit
Or the YouTube version at The first habit


Please note: If you would like to purchase a narrated version of the original 7 Habits of Highly Effective Decision Makers overview slideshow where each page comes with a more detailed commentary, please visit our “Decision Shop” 

We are available to make this presentation to members of your organisation where we will elaborate on the slide show with further details and examples. We would also be delighted to help you implement some of the action ideas suggested at the end of the slide show. Contact Simon Gifford at sgifford@genesis-esp.com to make arrangements .

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