This is the official web-site of Genesis Management Consulting Limited.
Our vision, mission, credo … call it what you like is:
Improving lives through better decisions!
This is what we get out of bed for every morning, it drives our activities and is a key element to our value system. Steve Jobs wants to make a dent in the universe – that’s a great rallying call. At Genesis, we believe that every major decision has a “circle of influence” – that is the implications of a decision potentially impact on a great many people directly and indirectly and are far wider than simply the financial impacts. Our aim is to help individuals and organisations improve their decision making and, in so doing, have a positive impact on peoples lives.
The way we do this is two-fold: either working directly with organisations in specific decision making activities or building competencies through lecturing, training and workshops. Both these activities are based on an approach developed through the almost 3 decade experience of Simon Gifford, the founder of this company – and enhanced with research and the latest thinking on decision-making, borrowing from behavioural science and management science.
We happen to be based in Europe and operate out of Spain and the UK – but through travel and harnessing the massive power of the internet, we have broken free of geographical boundaries and are able to operate globally. Further capitalising on the technology, we have a virtual organisation which allows us to tap into the vast expertise and tools of our Associates around the world.
This web-site is aimed at giving you a better idea of what we do and how we do it and also has links to our blog where we publish our research, articles, thought leadership and other useful information around the topic. We really hope that you enjoy surfing around the site a little and would really like to hear from you if you think there may be a way that we are able to help YOU improve peoples lives through better decisions!