Taking strategic decisions is tough – we know that. It’s our business.
We codified our practical experience in 30 years of strategy consulting into a course that is delivered at a number of Business Schools around the world.
We recognise that not everyone has the time and resources to attend a €3,000 course over 3 days and so we are making available the underlying framework together with some key tools inside a 48 page pack. It is available as a standalone item or packaged together with some hours of consulting – see below.
Product 1: The Genesis Strategic Decision Process
A best practice framework to help you and your team make better decisions
This 48 page presentation document (in pdf format) details the full 9 step Genesis Decision Process for taking strategic decisions. It begins with an outline of the full process which is then followed by best practices and tips for each step; and a summary page describing the sub-process, examples of tools and techniques and desired output for each step.
It is the culmination of best practice mixed with 30 years of real experience from Genesis Management Consulting and represents the process section of the executive course:”Taking strategic decisions in times of uncertainty” taught at Business Schools around the world.
For a sample of what the document looks like inside, click here: Framework sample
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Product 2: The Genesis Decision Process plus on-line decision coaching
This framework document (described above) may also be bought together with a discounted package of hours of on-line / telephonic decision coaching provided by a Director of Genesis Management Consulting. The coaching could be used in a number of ways, but typically is used to develop a detailed design for the decision, to assist in framing the decision or in ongoing consultation through the process where we act as a sounding board and a trusted decision adviser.
If you would like to discuss the format before you sign up, please send an email to consulting@genesis-esp.com with your contact details and a short message and we will contact you to discuss the format, process and other details. (Note: the discounts on hours are a temporary offer applicable to on-line purchase only).
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