Talks, lectures and training

Talks, lectures and training


One of our main services is giving courses or talks on the subject of decision-making. There are two types of training programme:

  • An off-the-shelf training series of 2 or 3 days (depending on requirements) covering strategic decision making from process through to behavioural issues and incorporating tools, templates, case study and role-playing.
    Course elements include visualisation, knowledge management, intuition versus judgement, decision leadership, management of uncertainty, creativity in decision-making and scenario evaluation.
  • A customised training programme that is personalised to meet the specific requirements of the organisation, including customised case studies and addressing specific decision-types.
    This course can also be used to support team-building within the decision-making team.

Talks and lectures
Our lectures and talks are generally customised towards the needs of our client.

They are ideal as part of a company conference or leadership development programme. The core of our material is built around our competency in solving complex problems and taking strategic decisions.

Typical topics include the following:


  • The 7 habits of highly effective decision makers (NEW)
  • Taking strategic decisions in the face of high uncertainty
  • Managing complexity through visualisation
  • Strategic decision analysis
  • Behavioural impact on decision-making
  • Applying systems thinking to difficult decisions
  • Judgement in decision making – rationality versus gut
  • Black swans, long-tailed dragons and elephants in the room – why its amazing we even sometimes make good decisions
  • Creativity and innovation in decision-making – why and how.
  • Using mind maps for structured problem solution
  • Decisions concerning mergers and acquisitions
  • Decisions concerning outsourcing
  • Decisions concerning procurement
  • The decision coach – leading the decision-making process
  • Scenario development – why and how
  • Problem framing – the key element in decision making and problem solving
  • Multi criteria decision analysis
Contact Simon Gifford at to discuss or book a course or presentation tailored to your specific requirements.

Note we also lecture at IE Business School (Madrid and other locations) and can provide you with details of the next open programme